Developer conferences 2024: TOP 10 global events

Developer conferences 2024: TOP 10 global events

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We all work hard, but those who are smart also educate themselves! And we know where to go for the most nutritious developer doping! We selected the TITANS TOP 10 global developer conferences of 2024 packed full of code and inspiration. You can soak up know-how from the best in your field, discover new tricks for your digital pocket, and meet like-minded enthusiasts in one place, whether you take part online or in person. Developer conferences can provide a great boost.

A seasoned developer or an enthusiastic junior?

We all have to grow. Don’t hesitate, the world is running at the speed of a processor in a high-performance computer, and the developer world often moves at the speed of light. What may be enough today could just be average a year from now. Of course, world conferences are just one possibility – you can also learn at local events, from the Internet or within the company where you work. Today we have Titan tips for those who want to experience big things. We’ve chosen 10 events across the developer world. You probably won’t attend them all, but one or two such events a year can really kick your developer engine into gear. We’ve listed the events chronologically. Some of them are coming soon!

1/ Android Worldwide

Date: 31 January 2024, only online
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: all about Android technology 
  • 14 countries, 40 Android communities 
  • The biggest global event for Android enthusiasts 

2/ BASTA! Spring

Date: 12 – 16 February 2024, Frankfurt, Germany
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: cloud, server, agile and DevOps 
  • BASTA! has been the leading independent conference for Microsoft cloud & web-technology for over 20 years. 
  • 70 lectures and workshops, 50 speakers from business and industry 
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3/ DeveloperWeek 2024

Date: 21 – 23 February 2024, San Francisco, USA
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: JavaScript, AI & machine learning, DevOps.  
  • It covers a wide range of technologies, offering introductory lessons and advanced insights into areas such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, IoT development, blockchain development, serverless technology and JavaScript frameworks. 
  • It’s held together with ProductWorld and CloudWorld. 

4/ Mobile World Congress

Date: 26 – 29 February 2024, Barcelona, Spain
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: telecom, generative AI, mobile app development 
  • The world’s most important mobile development event
  • 80,000 participants, 200 countries 

5/ Google Cloud Next

Date: 9 – 11 April 2024, Las Vegas, USA
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: AI & machine learning, Google cloud innovations, cloud data security 
  • Programmes focused on generative AI, adapted for IT and business leaders, security professionals and developers

6/ Women in Tech Global Conference

Date: 23 – 25 April 2024, Berlin, Germany
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: life science technologies, robotics, digital transformation, cyber security, AI automation, gaming 
  • The world’s largest event for women working in technology fields 
  • 700 speakers, 6,000 participants, 172 countries 
A person standing in front of a large group of people

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7/ DevDays Europe

Date: 20 – 21 May 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: mobile development & IoT, programming languages, machine learning, DevOps & Microservices, Big Data & Analytics 
  • A major software conference that brings together internationally renowned speakers and developers with the intention of supporting top professionals and innovation. 
  • 110 speakers, 35 countries 
  • It is held together with DevOps Pro and CyberWiseCon. 

8/ AI Congress

Date: 30 – 31 May 2024, London, Great Britain
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: woman in AI, IoT, regulatory compliance for AI, AI for CEO’s 
  • A unique platform where the latest AI products and services are introduced to the world
  • 25 speakers, 400 companies 

9/ WeAreDevelopers World Congress

Date: 17 – 19 July 2024, Berlin, Germany
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: software development, machine learning, software architecture 
  • Bonus topics: people & culture, business & innovation  
  • 500 speakers, 15,000 participants, 8,000 companies 

10/ Wey Wey Web

Date November 2024, Málaga, Spain
For more details, see the event’s website.

  • Focus: web programming, JS frameworks, web design UX/UI, mobile development, software architecture 
  • 20 speakers, 400 companies, trends, innovation and new contacts 
  • The most interesting names in the world of software development

Footnotes: three Titan tips to make the conference pay off

Did you make a choice? In conclusion, we put together three Titan tips for enjoying the developer conferences and getting the most out of them: 

Set clear goals. Get clear on what you want to achieve this year – whether it’s learning new technologies, expanding your network of contacts or discovering industry trends. This will help you decide what to attend. 

Be active. Join discussions, take notes and use breaks for networking. The more you participate, the more you will take away. 

Share. Don’t keep what you’ve learned to yourself. Share it with colleagues, write a blog post, post it on networks in your professional communities.  

Get going Titans, the world awaits you! 

And finally, the most important thing…

Whether you attend one conference after another or you draw know-how from elsewhere, one thing is certain: the right IT project that will allow you to move forward and earn a good wage is waiting for you at TITANS. Get in touch!

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