Easing back into work: 5 tips for getting started after a holiday

Easing back into work: 5 tips for getting started after a holiday

4 min.
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Your holiday is behind you, but your head keeps telling you that you need one more day at the beach before you dive back into the world of codes, meetings and endless deadlines. We get it. Getting back into the work rhythm can be tougher than tackling an unexpected bug fix on a Friday afternoon. American  Forbes writes about the aversion to work after a holiday as a common phenomenon that is faced by more or less every company. But don’t worry, you can get back into the routine with ease, even in the dynamic world of IT freelancing and IT team leadership. We’ve prepared 5 tips to help you get back in the saddle and start working faster than your favourite script.

1. Don’t overdo it

Although throwing yourself back into work with the vigour of Hulk, smashing everything in your path, may sound tempting, you’d better keep your feet on the ground. When you get back from your holiday, plan your first day so that you don’t get lost in the flood of emails and priorities. Try to organize your thoughts first, categorise your tasks and decide what really cannot be delayed. There’s a reason why they say a slow start wins the race. Level-headedness is a quality that will get you far, not only in IT freelancing. And the same is true at TITANS — in IT outsourcing.

2. A short break — an efficiency boost 

You know that feeling when you turn into a work zombie after lunch? Breaks aren’t just for the weak — they are micro-resets for your mind. Especially after a holiday, when you need to slowly get up to speed, a short break is the best investment in work efficiency. Take a break, stretch out, have a cup of coffee and give your brain some time to rest. These few minutes of rest are worth more than endlessly sitting in front of the screen.

3. Keep up your drive

Perhaps now is the perfect time to think about where you want to go in your projects during the fall. Do you want to master a new framework? Improve your leadership skills? Bring three new applications to work? Well-thought-out goals will give you the motivation and energy you need to get you back on track. IT freelancing is a marathon, not a sprint, and smartly chosen milestones along the way will help prevent you from becoming passive after the first few hurdles.

4. Take advantage of the strength of relationships

Virtually all IT positions are not just about codes and scripts — they’re also about people. Whether you’re an IT freelancer working in remote mode, or an internal member of the company’s IT team, relationships and communication are key to the success of your IT projects. Returning to work is the perfect opportunity to brush up on old contacts or make new ones. And don’t forget about your team either — maintaining good relationships and open communication is the basis for smooth running of IT projects and their success. So get out your business cards, get on LinkedIn and start building a network that will support you when the need arises.

5. Stay flexible

You know what can surprise you on Monday morning after your holiday just as much as an early alarm clock? When you find your project has taken a 180 degree turn while you were enjoying the beach with no signal. Thankfully, flexibility is something every superhero is armed with. Changes happen quickly in IT freelancing, and being able to adapt quickly can be crucial. Unexpected challenges can ultimately be the thing that takes you to the next level. So keep calm, take a deep breath and adapt to the situation. After all, adaptability is one of the reasons you are so successful in this industry.

Whether you lead your own IT team or you’re an IT expert with whatever specialisation, we hope you start off your autumn with good energy and the highest possible efficiency. And if you need a new IT project or fresh reinforcements for your motivation, we’re here for you. We’ve been guiding you through top-notch IT outsourcing for 10 years now, and we want to help you feel comfortable in your work on an IT project.

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