IT for newbies

IT for newbies

5 min.
Reading Time: 5 minutesReading Time: 5 minutesReading Time: 5 minutesReading Time: 5 minutesReading Time: 5 minutes
IT outsourcing and recruitment are full of terms from the IT environment. That goes without saying. There are aces among us who know their technologies backwards. The rest of us try to grasp and learn everything we can. Sometimes we have to “just smile and wave, boys” and simply pretend that we know exactly what people are talking about, while we google frantically or go for advice to more experienced colleagues. Or there is IT for newbies…
IT for newbies
IT for newbies

If you are also surrounded by IT concepts that you suspect you know the meaning of, but are not completely sure, you are not alone. We decided not to take things too seriously and put out our “IT for newbies”.

Warning: the article “IT for newbies” contains a lot of memes, and nothing should be taken too seriously. Oh and IT boys and girls, enter only at your own risk.

SDLC – software development lifecycle

software development cycle
IT for newbies

The life cycle of a software has several phases. Often their pace is directly proportional to how fast the deadline is approaching. A carefully planned project and a detailed definition of requirements turns into a swiftly drafted architecture and design, development requires near Olympic speed, and only those on their fifth cup of coffee and perhaps with mild ADHD, can follow the testing and deployment phases. But in the end: all’s well that ends well.


IT for newbies

Framework is a super useful thing. It is a template wherein developers work on development. Well, it’s not just one template, but a lot of different ones, each supporting different programming languages and different functions. Then there are different versions, different companies, plethora of opinions and… well, as we have said: a super useful thing, just choose.

Full stack

IT for newbies

Full-stack developers are awesome. They can handle both, back-end, and front-end development, they don’t need anyone, they can save the project and then the whole planet. They just sort of need eyes on the back of their head and a brain with double the power because they are very popular. Who wouldn’t want all in one, right?

Front end

IT for newbies

“Just make it nice. And it should glitter and jump, and when I click on it, it should make a backflip, okay?” Being a front-end developer is an ungrateful job – they basically must create a shiny shop window and make it work. And in the end, they still get theirs from the back-end developer.

Back end

IT for newbies

“I don’t care how, just make it work.” What back-end developer has not heard this before? Behind beautiful websites, there is a dense and complex network of code, APIs and functions that must run like clockwork. If it doesn’t, the back-end developer gets a talking to. If it does, the praise goes to the front-end developer.

Stand up

IT for newbies

Every morning at 8 am sharp, let the whole team know how the project is going. That is the main idea of this scrum ceremony. And it makes sense – the team keeps in touch, everyone knows what other people are working on, what needs speeding up, and where there are bugs right now. Except that Frank overslept again, Petra can’t think without a morning coffee, George “forgot to look at it” and Klara doesn’t have a clue. Then when only one team member really “stands” during the stand-up meeting, isn’t it more of a one-(wo)man show?


IT for newbies

APIs rule the world. Whether we like it or not. And they’re everywhere, everywhere. Opening a documentation for additional requirements for connected applications is like getting only clothes at Christmas. “Thanks, Dad…”


IT for newbies

There is nothing like really getting along with someone. For us, ordinary mortals, the relationship between a developer and their computer is shrouded in a fog of mystery and wonder. We ask: how do they understand each other so well? The answer is “compiler”.


IT for newbies

Have you ever imagined a developer as a separate unit resisting the challenges of technology, patiently working on one giant, endless project? Wrong. Developers work more than well in teams. And they don’t even have to see each other – there is GitHub. A web platform wherein they can work together to develop a single application. Cool, huh?


IT for newbies

All things come to those who wait. Release dates are a bit like moveable feasts. The launch day of a new release is a big celebration, and the next one is spent working on the next project. Maybe there should be a holiday after each release. And gifts. Especially gifts.


QA engineer
IT for newbies

Phew. It’s finally done. Until the QA engineer arrives on scene. They reveal even things that were to remain hidden forever. Bug hunter is their second name. That they have dismantled the whole project like a Lego, you say? That’s what they are here for.

What terms should we look at next at “IT for newbies”? And do you have a favourite meme? We want to see it! Share it with us on LinkedIn. And also take a look at the offers of our projects – whether you are a newbie or a seasoned pro.

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