Joining forces with Slovak TITANS

Joining forces with Slovak TITANS

4 min.
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A year has passed since we entered the partnership with the Slovak TITANS freelancers, and it is now time to evaluate. Has the Czechoslovakian merger brought what we had expected? What do the numbers say after a year of cooperation? One thing is certain – we are growing.  

How to effectively expand into the Slovak market and subsequently into the international environment? How to offer IT freelancers wider possibilities, foreign projects and therefore much more interesting financial propositions? We had lost out once already when attempting to enter the Slovak market. It made sense to join forces with a partner who knew Slovakia inside out and to open the door to the Czech market to them. We had carefully considered the choice of the right one – for us, it was not just about business, but about values and goals. Ultimately, we exchanged our “I dos” with TITANS freelancers. Hopefully, it was going to work.  

As BRIDGEWATER, we concluded our fifth year in the Czech IT professionals outsourcing market successfully with a turnover of more than a quarter of a billion CZK! Doing so, we jumped over the bar we had set for ourselves at the beginning of our partnership. This January, we put on the titanic helmet and rebranded to TITANS s.r.o. (ltd).  

Mutual support pays off

Talking about a growth without concrete numbers is just beating about the bush, so here they are: the revenues of BRIDGEWATER now TITANS s.r.o. (ltd) grew from CZK 174 million in 2021 by 58% to CZK 274 million, also thanks to the strategic partnership with TITANS freelancers. We have streamlined the process of sourcing, hiring as well as our client and contractor care. The progress has not been unilateral: our Slovak partners have too been successful, recording a year-on-year sales growth of 27%. 

Linking the market and cooperation pays off, not only in financial indicators.

The numbers we are seeing, whether for the Czech Republic, Slovakia or together, are not only pleasant evidence of growth but bring motivation to get working and surpass ourselves once again. They also reflect the current trends in the IT job market.  

.NET surpasses Java and JavaScript 

Java and JavaScript programmers held topped placements with the Slovak TITANS in 2021 as well as 2022 with the third place steadily held by .NET. In the Czech Republic, on the contrary, .NET is in top position, exceeding placements by 12 in 2021 as compared to 2022. The Czech second place is held by testers, with Java and JavaScript programmers coming in third.  

Remote working is no longer no. 1 in the Czech Republic

The one interesting trend that has emerged when comparing 2021 and 2022 is the popularity of hybrid working. It usually involves an on-site period spent in office combined with several days of working from home in a week. Kristián Samler, the Managing Director of TITANS s.r.o. (ltd), describes this development on concrete numbers:

“In 2021, 80% of all the IT professionals we allocated worked fully remotely. In 2022, this number fell to 62%. The companies want to have their teams at least partially together. Surprisingly, the same model is favoured also by a larger number of IT professionals than was the case in the previous year.”

It seems that the relatively slowly growing willingness of the companies to appoint fully remote position was replaced by an almost radical move to the online environment in 2020 and 2021. Now the job market is slowly gaining stability, which we can observe on the growing popularity of hybrid working.  

Join the TITANS, come grow with us 

Over the past year, we have grown not only in terms of numbers and economic indicators, but above all, we have succeeded. And we hope to continue doing so – in creating an increasingly larger and stronger community of IT professionals, counting 47 000 Titans on call in 2022. Thanks to the interconnection of the Czech and Slovak markets, we can offer a much wider range of projects to our freelancers. 

Our goal is to create fair conditions for our contractors as well as clients. We want to further strengthen our brand and enter the international market. That is the only way to achieve our ambition – 1 000 IT specialists working on projects under the TITANS banner by the end of 2026. Fingers crossed! And even as we grow on, we will do everything in our power to ensure we remain true to our mission. Come join us – become a Titan! 

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